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​<section id="availabilities" class="panel panel-default row ng-scope" ng-if="availabilities">
           <rc-dispo class="availabilities-tab"><!-- ngIf: availabilitiesSelected && hasMultiple(availabilities) --><div class="calendars-wrapper noSelect" ng-class="{noSelect: !hasMultiple(availabilities), invalid: !isValid()}"><div class="availabilities-tables" ng-class="{isLoading: loading}"><!-- ngRepeat: (month, data) in dispCalendars track by month --><div class="month ng-scope" ng-repeat="(month, data) in dispCalendars track by month"><div class="month-wrapper"><h3 class="ng-binding">octobre 2023</h3><table><tbody><tr><td class="weekNumberLabel">Sem</td><!-- ngRepeat: day in days --><td ng-repeat="day in days" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Lu</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in days --><td ng-repeat="day in days" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ma</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in days --><td ng-repeat="day in days" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Me</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in days --><td ng-repeat="day in days" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Je</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in days --><td ng-repeat="day in days" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ve</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in days --><td ng-repeat="day in days" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Sa</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in days --><td ng-repeat="day in days" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Di</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in days --></tr><!-- ngRepeat: week in data track by $index --><tr ng-repeat="week in data track by $index" class="ng-scope"><td class="weekNumber ng-binding"></td><!-- ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope out-of-month">25</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope out-of-month">26</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope out-of-month">27</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope out-of-month">28</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope out-of-month">29</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope out-of-month">30</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">1</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --></tr><!-- end ngRepeat: week in data track by $index --><tr ng-repeat="week in data track by $index" class="ng-scope"><td class="weekNumber ng-binding"></td><!-- ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">2</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">3</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">4</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">5</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">6</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">7</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">8</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --></tr><!-- end ngRepeat: week in data track by $index --><tr ng-repeat="week in data track by $index" class="ng-scope"><td class="weekNumber ng-binding"></td><!-- ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">9</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">10</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">11</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">12</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">13</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">14</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">15</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --></tr><!-- end ngRepeat: week in data track by $index --><tr ng-repeat="week in data track by $index" class="ng-scope"><td class="weekNumber ng-binding"></td><!-- ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">16</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">17</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">18</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">19</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">20</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">21</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">22</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --></tr><!-- end ngRepeat: week in data track by $index --><tr ng-repeat="week in data track by $index" class="ng-scope"><td class="weekNumber ng-binding"></td><!-- ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">23</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">24</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">25</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">26</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">27</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">28</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">29</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --></tr><!-- end ngRepeat: week in data track by $index --><tr ng-repeat="week in data track by $index" class="ng-scope"><td class="weekNumber ng-binding"></td><!-- ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">30</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">31</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope out-of-month">1</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope out-of-month">2</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope out-of-month">3</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope out-of-month">4</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope out-of-month">5</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --></tr><!-- end ngRepeat: week in data track by $index --></tbody></table></div></div><!-- end ngRepeat: (month, data) in dispCalendars track by month --><div class="month ng-scope" ng-repeat="(month, data) in dispCalendars track by month"><div class="month-wrapper"><h3 class="ng-binding">novembre 2023</h3><table><tbody><tr><td class="weekNumberLabel">Sem</td><!-- ngRepeat: day in days --><td ng-repeat="day in days" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Lu</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in days --><td ng-repeat="day in days" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ma</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in days --><td ng-repeat="day in days" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Me</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in days --><td ng-repeat="day in days" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Je</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in days --><td ng-repeat="day in days" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ve</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in days --><td ng-repeat="day in days" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Sa</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in days --><td ng-repeat="day in days" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Di</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in days --></tr><!-- ngRepeat: week in data track by $index --><tr ng-repeat="week in data track by $index" class="ng-scope"><td class="weekNumber ng-binding"></td><!-- ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope out-of-month">30</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope out-of-month">31</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">1</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">2</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">3</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">4</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">5</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --></tr><!-- end ngRepeat: week in data track by $index --><tr ng-repeat="week in data track by $index" class="ng-scope"><td class="weekNumber ng-binding"></td><!-- ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">6</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">7</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">8</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">9</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">10</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">11</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">12</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --></tr><!-- end ngRepeat: week in data track by $index --><tr ng-repeat="week in data track by $index" class="ng-scope"><td class="weekNumber ng-binding"></td><!-- ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">13</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">14</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">15</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">16</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">17</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">18</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">19</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --></tr><!-- end ngRepeat: week in data track by $index --><tr ng-repeat="week in data track by $index" class="ng-scope"><td class="weekNumber ng-binding"></td><!-- ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">20</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">21</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">22</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">23</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">24</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">25</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">26</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --></tr><!-- end ngRepeat: week in data track by $index --><tr ng-repeat="week in data track by $index" class="ng-scope"><td class="weekNumber ng-binding"></td><!-- ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">27</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">28</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">29</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">30</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope out-of-month">1</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope out-of-month">2</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope out-of-month">3</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --></tr><!-- end ngRepeat: week in data track by $index --></tbody></table></div></div><!-- end ngRepeat: (month, data) in dispCalendars track by month --><div class="month ng-scope" ng-repeat="(month, data) in dispCalendars track by month"><div class="month-wrapper"><h3 class="ng-binding">décembre 2023</h3><table><tbody><tr><td class="weekNumberLabel">Sem</td><!-- ngRepeat: day in days --><td ng-repeat="day in days" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Lu</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in days --><td ng-repeat="day in days" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ma</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in days --><td ng-repeat="day in days" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Me</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in days --><td ng-repeat="day in days" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Je</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in days --><td ng-repeat="day in days" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ve</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in days --><td ng-repeat="day in days" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Sa</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in days --><td ng-repeat="day in days" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Di</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in days --></tr><!-- ngRepeat: week in data track by $index --><tr ng-repeat="week in data track by $index" class="ng-scope"><td class="weekNumber ng-binding"></td><!-- ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope out-of-month">27</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope out-of-month">28</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope out-of-month">29</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope out-of-month">30</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">1</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">2</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">3</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --></tr><!-- end ngRepeat: week in data track by $index --><tr ng-repeat="week in data track by $index" class="ng-scope"><td class="weekNumber ng-binding"></td><!-- ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">4</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">5</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">6</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">7</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">8</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">9</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">10</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --></tr><!-- end ngRepeat: week in data track by $index --><tr ng-repeat="week in data track by $index" class="ng-scope"><td class="weekNumber ng-binding"></td><!-- ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">11</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">12</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">13</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">14</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">15</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">16</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">17</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --></tr><!-- end ngRepeat: week in data track by $index --><tr ng-repeat="week in data track by $index" class="ng-scope"><td class="weekNumber ng-binding"></td><!-- ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">18</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">19</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">20</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">21</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">22</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">23</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">24</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --></tr><!-- end ngRepeat: week in data track by $index --><tr ng-repeat="week in data track by $index" class="ng-scope"><td class="weekNumber ng-binding"></td><!-- ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">25</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">26</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">27</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">28</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">29</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">30</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --><td ng-repeat="day in week" ng-class="{available: (day.value === 'D' || (+day.value)), closed: day.value === 'I', full: day.value === 'C', out: day.value === 'O', 'out-of-month': day.value === 'Hd'}" class="ng-binding ng-scope available">31</td><!-- end ngRepeat: day in week --></tr><!-- end ngRepeat: week in data track by $index --></tbody></table></div></div><!-- end ngRepeat: (month, data) in dispCalendars track by month --></div><div class="availabilities-nav"><!-- ngIf: showprev --><span class="prevMonth ng-scope" ng-click="goBackward()" ng-if="showprev"></span><!-- end ngIf: showprev --> <!-- ngIf: shownext --></div></div><div class="legend-wrapper"><!-- ngIf: --><p class="last-update ng-scope" ng-if=""><!-- ngIf: isValid() --><span ng-if="isValid()" translate="" class="ng-scope">Ces disponibilités vous sont fournies à titre indicatif, contactez l'établissement afin d'obtenir des informations plus précises.</span><!-- end ngIf: isValid() --> <span translate="" class="ng-scope">Mise à jour le </span> <span class="ng-binding">12 juillet 2020 - 10:27.</span> <!-- ngIf: !isValid() --></p><!-- end ngIf: --><!-- ngIf: ! && !isValid() --><ul><li class="legend-available"><span class="square"></span> <span class="legend-label ng-scope" translate="">Disponible</span></li><li class="legend-full"><span class="square"></span> <span class="legend-label ng-scope" translate="">Complet</span></li><li class="legend-closed"><span class="square"></span> <span class="legend-label ng-scope" translate="">Fermé</span></li></ul></div></rc-dispo>

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